Buffalo, NY PHP User Group
BuffaloPHP meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month. However, we try to meet at a different location every month to get new faces at the event each month.
Given that we try to meet at a different place each month make sure to keep an eye on the NextPlex event details.
Upcoming meetups
Please RSVP if you do, in fact, plan on attending. It helps the organizers a lot and the hosts know how much food to get
If you would like to present at the meetup follow the instructions in the README at github.com/buffalophp/notes
Hosting BuffaloPHP
If you would like to host an event there is some give and get.
What you can give
- A space with seating to fit at least 20 people
- A projector
- Wi-fi
- Optionally, if you want to be truly awesome, food/drink
What you get
- Plug your business/space/workshop/whathaveyou
- Try your best to headhunt the attendees
- The gratitude of a bunch of geeks trying to foster the PHP community